Thought with love

The DiningClub

Inspired by the original English Dining Club, we propose a truly stunning solution to occasionally bring our guests together for a fine dining experience.

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May 26 @ 20:30


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From scratch


The first rule of the Dining Club is: you don't talk about the Dining Club.

The Dining Club provides food enthusiasts with an intimate dining experience away from the crowds. A Social Table of 16-18 seats can be purchased for your private group experience, or you can purchase a few to experience The Dining Club with new people.International Chefs, Hosts and Sommeliers will be taking our kitchen.Like at home.

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Taste & Talk

Wine Dinner

An intimate dinner featuring iconic bottles from legendary producers, served blind, alongside a special menu by our chef.

The wine tasting event that nobody asked for but you’re going to get anyway. Join us for ‘Affari Spenti’, the hottest and finest wine journey brought to you by Mattia Vita.

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April 28 @ 20:00


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Conversation / Tasting with ⸻ Mattia Vita
Once a month ⸻ @barsota_rome
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Bar SOTA Via della Frezza, 55, Roma

HOSTINGSTILLAIl Dining Club ospita la chef Silvia Banterle, chef e proprietaria del ristorante STILLA a Colognola ai Colli, per una […]



Bar SOTA Via della Frezza, 55, Roma

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Mani e Vini

Bar SOTA Via della Frezza, 55, Roma

HOSTINGMANI e VINIIl Dining Club ospita Giulia Picardo e Francesco Barelli, chef e fondatori di Mani e Vini, per una […]
